As part of our innovation strategy, Biscuiterie Thijs collaborates with KU Leuven (Laboratory of Food Chemistry and Biochemistry) in a VLAIO-funded project to study the impact of our processes and ingredients on waffle quality. Additionally, we financially support research projects related to the bakery industry. We currently serve on the advice committee of the TETRA projects "Draf in galop" (VIVES - Expertisecentrum Agro- en Biotechnologie & KU Leuven - Departement Microbiële en Moleculaire Systemen) and “PulseBake” (HoGent - Campus Melle UGent - Vakgroep Levensmiddelentechnologie, Voedselveiligheid en Gezondheid) and the cSBO project “PulseFlour” (KU Leuven – Laboratory of Food Technology).
Did you know
We also offer vegan waffles?